The Twig Contributes Another $150,000 to Inova Alexandria Hospital

The Twig Contributes Another $150,000 to Inova Alexandria Hospital

For Immediate Release:
June 15, 2021


Alexandria, VA — June 15, 2021 — During its annual luncheon meeting, The Twig presented a check in the amount of $150,000 to Inova Alexandria Hospital.  The contribution is another installment on The Twig’s $1 million pledge to the hospital that has been used to renovate the Cardiovascular Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit (CVNICU).  With the support of The Twig, the hospital has been able to increase patient room size, provide private showers and bathrooms, offer space for family to sleep, and create more functional space for nurses.

The Twig is The Junior Auxiliary of Inova Alexandria Hospital.  Since the founding of the organization almost 90 years ago, The Twig has contributed more than $4.5 million to the hospital.  To learn more about Twig support, click here.   An article about The Twig’s most recent contribution was featured in The Zebra newspaper.

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