15 Nov The Twig Launches Together We Ignite Giving (T.W.I.G.) Campaign
For Immediate Release:
November 15, 2020
Alexandria – November 15, 2020 — The Twig announced a new charitable program, Together We Ignite Giving (T.W.I.G.) designed for companies and organizations to donate to Twig in support of its mission to give financial support to the Inova Alexandria Hospital. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Twig’s two main initiatives to raise funds for the hospital – the Thrift Shop in Old Town Alexandria and the Historic Alexandria Homes Tour — have suffered. The Homes Tour, which was scheduled for September 2020, was canceled. The Thrift Shop, which is wholly run by volunteers, has been open for a limited number of hours each week. The T.W.I.G. campaign is an opportunity for corporate donors or individuals to support the Twig during these challenging times.
To read more about the T.W.I.G. campaign, as reported in the Zebra Press, click here.
The Twig is a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization, Tax ID # 23-705070, and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
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