
Twig Walking Tour Down Memory Lane

The Lyceum 201 S. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA, United States

Join fellow Twigs for a walk down memory lane in Old Town.  Come learn how the Twig thrift shop landed at its present location along with some hospital history too.  Meet at the Lyceum parking lot. Limited to 25.  Please RSVP below.  You will receive...


Twig No-Host Brunch

Old Dominion Boat Club 0 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA, United States

NOTE:  CHANGE IN VENUE Join fellow Twigs for a "no-host" brunch at the Old Dominion Boat Club in Old Town.  Share your cell phone pictures, take more selfies, and visit with your Twig friends while treating yourself to a tasty brunch. RSVP to Kathy Hirsch...


Last Day for Donations to the Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop will close for the summer on June 10th.  We will not be accepting donations after May 27th.  Please check back for our donation day in August prior to our re-opening in September.

Donation Drop Off Day

Bring your donations to Twig. You may park briefly in front of the shop. Volunteers will be available to assist you.

Shop Opens

The Twig Shop reopens for the season

Twig Actives’ Holiday Party

Carol Skiba's Home 4109 Orleans Place, Alexandria, VA

Tickets may be purchased below ⇓.  Please provide the name of your guest.


Old Town Scavenger Hunt

Old Town Welcome Center 221 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia

Join The Twig for an Old Town Scavenger Hunt — A fun afternoon for all ages. We start at the Old Town Welcome Center and end at The Light Horse Restaurant, with 15+ stops along the way.  Prizes and fun await at the end of...
